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Feedback from My Readers

Thank you to my readers for your overwhelming support and enthusiasm, and for getting "Seasons for A Reason" to your friends who need encouragement.

Go here to purchase and send a copy to a friend or loved one.


It is an awesome book full of inspiration and so uplifting. And I gave a copy to a friend at Christmas. And can't wait for your second book.

J. L., Vicksburg


I read your book in two sittings and it is an awesome testimony to your faith and HOPE for the future. In my work with the American Cancer Society (ACS) and ACS Cancer Action Network (ACSCAN), I plan to share it with my Reach to Recovery contacts who are going through breast cancer, as well as with my ACS/ACSCAN counterparts and others affected by this terrible disease. Thank you for putting your story and faith into words for others to share and receive inspiration and HOPE!
P. C., Vicksburg, MS


After laying here on the sofa and reading every word of your book, I will be needing 10 more!  So many feelings came out of the chapters, seasons, scriptures, that brought forth tears, joy, hope, peace, many familiar feelings came out of your words. 
K. J., Vicksburg, MS


I read the first 2 chapters and knew I had to give it to a friend who is suffering the loss of a child. Bring me another book!
K. S., Vicksburg, MS


As a person growing up in Michigan with 4 distinct seasons...and taught how to appreciate or get through each one...makes me appreciate the book even more. Your Godly perspective is helping me a lot. You are loved!!
C. N., Cary, MS


I attended the book signing Tuesday afternoon (at Baer House Inn) and bought 4 copies.  Came home and read the entire book.  What an inspiration!  Three other copies go to my sisters and cousin. 
N. S., Vicksburg, MS


Becki I enjoyed the book so much .. thank you for sharing such a  personal  yet inspiring look into the way you learned lessons throughout the “Seasons “ of your life! 
BL, Vicksburg 


Just to let you know I’m reading your book - slowly taking in all of the seasons and seeing myself. Wow, you are truly called, chosen, and anointed to write!  Your story has touched my heart! 
B. H., Vicksburg, MS


Got your book in the mail and read it non-stop to the end! It is so good and so full of wisdom and praise!
J. F., Wallhalla, SC


Becky's book is an awesome testament to her life as well as encouragement to others.  I couldn't put it down!
M. L. T., Vicksburg, MS


She (Rebecca) has been and will be such a blessing to others!  Sharing her Faith and encouragement with those who are walking in her footprints! 
E. M., Vicksburg, MS


The book is so awesome, and I am so freaking proud of you!!!!
L. G., Vicksburg, MS


I have finished your book and I loved it!  It is inspiring to say the least!  During my seasons, I see me reading it again!
J. L., Vicksburg, MS 


Thanks for sending me a copy of your beautiful book.  I have delegated it as my “night reading” and am already enjoying it so much!                          
D. S., Spring, TX


I’m reading your book!  It is awesome!! 
B. H. – Vicksburg, MS   


Your book is amazing! 
L. M., Kingwood, TX


  Rebecca Logue |  4223 I-20 Frontage Rd., Apt. J- |  Vicksburg, MS 39183
  | E-Mail  | 601-529-2024

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